Licenses and permissions GRAFF

Below are public documents confirming the legality and legitimacy of the transport and excursion activities in France. If necessary, you can always download any of the documents.

The provision of transport and excursion services is a compulsory licensable activity in France.

Basic requirements for transport: 

- A license (stickers on the windshield in front and behind the car);

- availability of insurance for the carriage of passengers (with an unlimited amount of compensation for causing harm to the passenger); 

- passing the annual certified technical inspection.

Driver Requirements: 

- the presence of a professional driver's license (professional card); 

- availability of medical examination on the adequacy of the driver.

Guide requirements: 

- availability of a professional guide card.

Authorizations and legal documents GRAFF

Registration in the Paris Chamber of Commerce
Certificate of registration in the transport register
Transport License to carry passengers in France
Authorization to carry out transport activities 
Certificate of registration in SIREN register
Certificate of the company fiscal compliance